I don't event know what to say.
Dream Analysis

Now I have badmintons on Tuesdays, tennis on Wednesdays, table tennis on Thursdays and all with different group of people from the company. Though I sort of give up on badminton already because there's this guy who is SO RELUCTANT to play everytime it's my turn to play. And he tried at all cost to avoid playing with me. NOT LIKE HE VERY GOOD ALSO ! I try not to let his unsporting-ness get to me but still, extremely discouraging la ok.
Let me share with you something I'm most passionate about, which is...none other than...

Wake Up Call
I haven't been taking care of myself at all. Well, for instance I haven't started eating any greens yet. I was pretty determined to start eating at least ONE type of vege but half a year has passed and I have yet to try any. My colleagues joked that if one day I decide to swallow a piece of vege, I might shit the whole vege out in proper green form as my stomach would not recognize and would not know how to digest it
Fruits? Hmm, can't even remember the last time I have a proper piece of fruit. Last month or 2 months ago?
All I've been eating is rubbish (McD, fried chicken rice, fried rice, fried this fried that) and at really odd hours, mostly late nights. I wouldn't blame it on stress because work and life in general has been treating me good.
Beauty products? HARDLY! I don't even use branded skin cleanser or moisturizer anymore. Sometimes I just wash it with water, and at times, I just used Neutrogena or Simple or just anything I get from the local drug store. Moisturizer? I used the same lotion I used for my body wtf. Facial? I try to go every 2 or 3 months but most of the time I forgot about my appointments. And can you believe I've never used sunblock at all? For the past 10 years? Then I found out everyone used expensive cleanser, followed up with toner, then serum, then moisturizer, then sunblock.

When I meet up with the pups, I realize everyone had taken REALLY good care of themselves. Hair, skin, face. Everyone has tons of make up on and hair styled. And me, I didn't even bother to make up when I go dinner! Can't even remember if I slab on moisturizer pun.
Urgh! What a hard wake up slap! What a vast difference! I'm no longer 20 something! I didn't realize how much I've aged and when I looked back at my photos, I noticed everything kinda started going downhill when I was about 26-27. I can see obvious wrinkles and laugh lines. So yeah, just wanted to remind myself it's time to start taking really good care of myself. Let's start with buying a decent moisturizer (preferably anti-aging wtf) and eat at least a piece of fruit tomorrow! Oh and stop eating fried chicken and nasi lemak.
Ok I shall do a proper update soon with photos, you know, just in case you can't remember me.