

Dream Analysis

I don't event know what to say.

My usual nightmares include getting trapped in Jurassic Park with T-Rex (understandable since I watch too much Jurassic Park for my own good), getting hunted down in the jungle, falling off the bicycle (happens to a lot of people I think).


Yesterday was a completely different dream altogether. And it was my first.

I was with a bunch of people. A huge bunch, in fact, that we occupied 2 large round tables. We were having lunch or dinner (not sure) but it was evening and it was outdoor. Both tables are right beside an old building. Tables are covered with red plastic disposable covers.

Out of a sudden, everyone stood up and looked up towards the building. It was a rundown building with lots of windows without grills. It was almost like a half done old construction site building. Windows are huge and tall. I can't see anything inside. It was pitch dark.

Then I realized what happened. A girl was standing at the window and she jumped down. It happened so fast but still, I can see her face. Clearly. She has short hair with bangs. She's thin.

She jumped off the building and landed on the table beside mine. It was a really loud thump, and she sprung up then landed face down on the table again. Everything was thrown off the table because of the huge impact.


All of a sudden I jolted awake. I looked around the room.

Nothing. It was still early and dark outside.

I tried to google what does it mean to have dreamt of girl jumping off a building but I couldn't find any. Most dream analysis are about themselves jumping off the building (suicidal) but none is about seeing OTHER people jump off the building.

Please let it be a dreamless sleep tonight!


I had an awesome day!

I haven't played tennis for the past 5 years? 10 years? OK come to think of it, I do remember playing once when I was back in Penang with Porny and Joe. I moved house a couple of times and I lost my beloved 'Hammer' racquet which has followed me since I was playing for 'Under 15' all the way till Uni. I didn't even realize I lost it! I kept blaming my mum for losing it during the infamous Segamat flood though.

I joined Badminton session every Tuesday sponsored by the company. Even though I suck at badminton but I think they can tell I play some sort of ball game wtf. So one of them asked me what sports I was involved in and I told him TENNIS.

That's how it all started.

He told his colleagues who also play tennis and they invited me to their weekly Wednesday tennis session! I don't really know any of them but I went anyway because..oh I missed you so.

I thought I had forgotten how to play. It's been soooo many years. So I was really glad to know I haven't lost my momentum. The fundamental is still there and even though I can't smash as hard as before, but I think I'm still pretty good for I still can make killer shots /shameless wtf.

When they told me they don't really know how to play, I was expecting balls flying all over the court. Well, balls did fly all over the court, but surprisingly they can play rather well! If I feed the ball to them they can hit it back. So I think I had a pretty good 3 hours warm up today!

Now I have badmintons on Tuesdays, tennis on Wednesdays, table tennis on Thursdays and all with different group of people from the company. Though I sort of give up on badminton already because there's this guy who is SO RELUCTANT to play everytime it's my turn to play. And he tried at all cost to avoid playing with me. NOT LIKE HE VERY GOOD ALSO ! I try not to let his unsporting-ness get to me but still, extremely discouraging la ok.

I can't decide if I still want to continue joining next Tuesday. Apparently it proves that one person's shitty face can spoil a lot of things.


Let me share with you something I'm most passionate about, which is...none other than...

TVB DRAMA!!!!!!!!!

I'm a huge huge HUGE fan of TVB. I doubt I can find anyone who watch it more often than me. I didn't miss any single series and I watch most series at least 3 times! Ok don't look at me that way. I just like to have it played all the time to break the deafening silence of my room whenever I'm home. I play it the moment I reach home, until I sleep, all the way until I wake up again in the morning, then I continued the second I open my eyes. Makes waking up in the morning so much easier! Most people don't understand how I can sleep with the audio and screen on, but I once tried to turn off the drama and off the PC, and I couldn't sleep. It has been years! I somehow already got used to the noise and the flickering monitor.

Both series now are about police and SDU. I couldn't be happier, also mostly coz my favorite actor is in it.

羅仲謙!!!! Look at his body 3rd from left in the poster above. You have to agree with me he's the best looking in the poster right.

I never liked Bosco Wong. He's kinda gay but he's quite OK in this one, plus he advertise for my favorite makan place Kim Gary haha not much relevance. I think he really need to do teeth whitening though. Everytime he opens his mouth I can't help but notice his crooked and black teeth probably too much smoking.

There's another one 回到三国。 Not bad also.

I think if PPStream takes away the TVB dramas again I'd be fucking depressed. I can't wait to go Hong Kong again sooooon! Whoever wants to go Hong Kong please remember to jio me OK!

Blog soon! Gonna catch the new episode now.

Wake Up Call

I haven't been taking care of myself at all. Well, for instance I haven't started eating any greens yet. I was pretty determined to start eating at least ONE type of vege but half a year has passed and I have yet to try any. My colleagues joked that if one day I decide to swallow a piece of vege, I might shit the whole vege out in proper green form as my stomach would not recognize and would not know how to digest it

Fruits? Hmm, can't even remember the last time I have a proper piece of fruit. Last month or 2 months ago?

All I've been eating is rubbish (McD, fried chicken rice, fried rice, fried this fried that) and at really odd hours, mostly late nights. I wouldn't blame it on stress because work and life in general has been treating me good.

Beauty products? HARDLY! I don't even use branded skin cleanser or moisturizer anymore. Sometimes I just wash it with water, and at times, I just used Neutrogena or Simple or just anything I get from the local drug store. Moisturizer? I used the same lotion I used for my body wtf. Facial? I try to go every 2 or 3 months but most of the time I forgot about my appointments. And can you believe I've never used sunblock at all? For the past 10 years? Then I found out everyone used expensive cleanser, followed up with toner, then serum, then moisturizer, then sunblock.

When I meet up with the pups, I realize everyone had taken REALLY good care of themselves. Hair, skin, face. Everyone has tons of make up on and hair styled. And me, I didn't even bother to make up when I go dinner! Can't even remember if I slab on moisturizer pun.

Urgh! What a hard wake up slap! What a vast difference! I'm no longer 20 something! I didn't realize how much I've aged and when I looked back at my photos, I noticed everything kinda started going downhill when I was about 26-27. I can see obvious wrinkles and laugh lines. So yeah, just wanted to remind myself it's time to start taking really good care of myself. Let's start with buying a decent moisturizer (preferably anti-aging wtf) and eat at least a piece of fruit tomorrow! Oh and stop eating fried chicken and nasi lemak.

Ok I shall do a proper update soon with photos, you know, just in case you can't remember me.


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