A bit shy to blog about this because it's already 15th January now! Now only wanna talk about 2012.
I took a bus after work on the 28th Dec and spent New Year in KL. Can't recall what I did on that weekend but it was crazy packed coz Step had so much to do with his family and friends with so little time!
We went over to Rexine's place for her countdown BBQ party. We were late so didn't help out with the bbq-ing at all. When we reached, the bacon and ribs and salmon are all already on the table waiting for us to feast! The ribs her brother marinated and bbq-ed was super awesome and mouth watering!
Rexine suggested the game Tap Tap. It's basically a game of sequence of taps on the table. A player drinks if he/she taps wrongly or forget to tap.
Joe preparing all the killer drinks. I swore I'm not going to drink before I go to the party coz I really really hate the hangover, and the last thing I need is to feel like crap on the 1st day of 2013!
Step with his 上刀山下油锅 buddy.
So happy mixing the drinks.
There're just too many types of drinks and I can't even remember all the different names. All I know is Soju. I don't really know the names of alcohol because they all taste the same to me and I never bothered finding out. They even added tabasco into the liquor nearing the end of the game. Lucky me I didn't kena any! I had to drink like 3-4 cups, even that I already felt like puking. Joe was kind enough to drink half for me!
They say eating 'fat' is supposed to help ease the alcohol. I kept devouring the KFC and brownies the whole time. Don't know true or not but I sure felt half a KG heavier wtf.
Hahahahaha. I was busy playing mahjong and he was playing the Tap game. Less than half an hour I looked over he's already lobster red and buried himself under couch pillows and slept like a king lol. Must have lost a lot of times. Even his eyes were red!
Missed Joe! He's the only one who's willing to accompany me for Penang food in Singapore!
Lovely Rexine who hosted the party.
Everyone kept disturbing him and taking photos of him coz he's red beyond recognition. A bit regret because we didn't manage to take any decent photo.
3 of the guys were playing mahjong and the rest were playing Tap. Even though I don't get to play I also must sit there and watch. I missssss mahjong!!!!! Miss my kakis!
Then kind Rexine shooed the guys away and so we played for few rounds before going for Tap. Yay!
Happy New Year 2013 everyone!
I cannot wait to see what this new year will bring!~
I miss mahjong tooo!!!!!
All my female kakis left PG d...
Jes: I sure do not miss your epic mahjong wins. hahah. miss u!
YYY: Ya wo i just realized those who play hardcore mahjong sudah meninggal
if you're coming back to pg during CNY, we can play!!!
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