

Boys Over Flowers

Heard of Boys Over Flowers?

Okay I know the title is a bit lame. But don't get discouraged!

It's Korean version of F4. Storyline almost like the Taiwan Meteor Garden only this is 100 times better coz it's more realistic and the boys are 10000000 times more good looking.

I have a confession. Last time I am obsessed with Taiwan F4. I watched Meteor Garden for over 20 times and still won't get tired with it. I even bought the original DVD okay! Where got people buy original stuff wan. I watched the whole series like less than a week, which means I watched it non stop and only managed to catch like 2 hours of sleep every night.

Do assignment also not so rajin lor.

But that was when I was 19. Me and 7 of my housemates just hide in 1 tiny room and watched and watched and drool over F4. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH US MAN THAT TIME SERIOUSLY. F4 is not good looking at all! Dao Ming Si okay lah. Zai Zai...lembik lembik. The other 2 Xi Men and another one I cannot even remember name pun. Where got leng zai!!!! The hair long until dont know like what, got do rebonding summore tsk!

This Korean remake is a total opposite.

The songs are SUPER NICE. Korean songs are nice. And it's more realistic (except the part where all the girls scream and follow F4 boys coz the comic is like that mar). This F4 all have their own talent. Not like Taiwan version they don't really have any talent except keeping their long hair straight all the time. And Korean version all of them do really WORK! Unlike Taiwan version portrayed F4 like damn useless only know how to rebond their hair only lah.

Everyone knows Korea is famous for plastic surgery! So ALL the actresses and actors in the Korean F4 is super super good looking esp the girls adoihai SO PRETTY like doll. You remember Taiwan F4 Dao Ming Si's elder sister? Not pretty right? Watch the Korean one. I super like his sister.

I know it's a bit shameless of me to be saying I like Korean boys at this age man seriously. But it's not all about that. It's that I enjoyed watching the love story between Gu Jun Pyo and Jan Di.

Haih how I wish I can have a bf like Gu Jun Pyo. Someone who will never let go of me no matter how hard it is for us to be together, time after time after time after time. No matter what happen, you'll know that he'll always be back for you.

Sigh. This kind of thing only happen in movies. In real life, even if just something small happen then break up already lah. Where got someone like Gu Jun Pyo wan. Everytime Jan Di pushed him away or do hurtful things to him, he will still go back to touching.

I think everyone should watch this Korean remake of Meteor Garden. GO watch!!


told u that you'll never regret watching it..!!
and it take u so long to start watching tat drama..

Who doesn't have talent? useless? crap.

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