Finally the long overdue Melbourne post.
Let me start with some totally meaningless photos before I go into Day 1 blah blah blah because I haven't copied the photos from the boy yet. Those that I have are just what I took with my camera BEFORE day 1.
#1 There's no direct flight from PG to Melb so I had to fly down to KL first. I had OldTown in LCCT alone because the boy was there already a week earlier than me. And look at that price! I think it's pretty hiked up eh? And I thought my favorite Xi Mut is cut-throat already at RM3.20 but in airport it's RM4.50. eh sure or not got people go and drink summore like that!
#2 I cut my hair again before I left. Look how short it is. But it's so damn cooling! No actually I hated my own hair at that time. My hair stylist was busy the day before and I had to bear with another stylist which is also the saloon's senior director so I trusted him coz how bad can a senior director be right! Lesson learnt is..NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE TOUCH YOUR HAIR BESIDES YOUR OWN STYLIST WHO HAS GONE THROUGH YEARS WITH YOU WTF.
#3 After buying the neck pillow and the ear plug, I boarded after an hour of delay. The neck pillow and ear plug I buy is quite cut throat expensive too almost RM60++. I threw the neck pillow away already because it's so uncomfortable i actually sprained my neck sigh. I should have bought those that have beanies inside not those that are inflatable.
#4 AirAsia seats suck! The seat CAN"T BE ADJUSTED AND IT SERIOUSLY SUCKS TO THE MAX TRUST ME DUH. But then they had this notice that say they will fix the seats starting next year or something. AirAsia X is really quite inhumane. I moved about so much and my whole body aches after just 1.5 hours. I wonder how those people tolerate the London flights?? I would have died before I reach!!
#5 The whole journey is intolerable and I was practically dying inside. So I bought the movie screening thing that is like RM30 or something I can't remember already. I thought about it for like 2 hours before I decided to spend the money coz I...wanted to die. I ended up watching ANTM and The BreakUp. I loved the show. It showed just how devastating a couple can be when they kept finding fault in each other. Anyhow my main point is the Rm30 is worth spending because 5 hours just passed like that very good.
Melbourne at that time was 2 hours after us. It takes around 8 hours from KL to Melbourne. I reached Melbroune around 10pm and called the boy to pick me up at the airport. We reached home around midnight. I also went through a very GRUELING custom procedure. I had to go through a whole 45 minutes custom check and duh. I'll talk about it some other day.
#6 I was STARVING because I just had hot dog on the plane and this is my supper. Believe it or not but this is my first few times eating IndoMie and I never liked it the few times I had before this.
#7 But then I don't know why but the Indomie that supper is like the best thing I ever had. yah I damn cheapo I know. But seriously damn good lor! I think it's like AUD$1.00 for 1 packet of IndoMie there.
We stayed with the boy's eldest sister in Melb. 3 of his sisters are already in Melbourne and holding the PR or something.
#8 The next morning. I woke up early even though we slept after 2am because I was excited to explore the city. It's afterall my first visit to Australia! So I kept trying to wake the boy up.
#9 He kept struggling to go back to sleep.
#10 I pulled the comforter away and he had to sit up because it's too cold! It's winter back in Sept when we're there. He is very upset huhuhuhuhuhu and kept insisting to go back to sleep.
#11 Then I handed him his favorite aloe drink..the one in green bottle and he became a happy boy again see so easy to bribe him only *snaps finger for food. EVERYONE in Melbourne drinks that Aloe thing! Everyone seems to like it a lot. I tried but it wasn't really that fantastic. It's just like any other normal sweet drinks.
The boy is going to hate me for posting these photos of his haha but they're too cute not to be shared!!!!
The Land Down Under
It's crazy.
I think 80% of my friends are into photography these days. Everyone's about the model of the DSLR or the lens or the flash or just whatever it can be. Albums after albums have been posted in FB to portray all the edited photos taken with the canggih camera. People who doesn't own a DLSR can't post photos in FB anymore coz it's so stress that people will ask u what lens you are using huhuhuhu not that I actually bother to post anything on FB. What a saturated market.
I think I have to learn a bit about photography to be able to join in their conversation about lens wtf. I have a Canon400D in hand but it's sitting in the drawer eating dust i tell you i never bother to use it also. So anyone want to teach me how to operate that damn big huge thing or not otherwise I no friend already haha. If not how I post up photos I take using my phone camera later people laugh at me!
Flag Of Vietnam
When I see you the World stops. It stops and all that exists for me is you and my eyes staring at you. There's nothing else. No noise, no other people, no thoughts or worries, no yesterday, no tomorrow. The World just stops, and it is a beautiful place, and there is only you. Just you, and my eyes staring at you. When you're gone, the World starts again, and I don't like it as much. I can live in it, but I don't like it. I just walk around in it and wait to see you again and wait for it to stop again. I love it when it stops. It's the best fucking thing I've ever known or ever felt, the best thing, and that, is why I stare at you.
I wore the shirt the boy bought for me from Vietnam out to the city today and I swear the whole world is looking at me like I'm a weird creature haha really so ugly meh.
It Happens To Me All The Time.
I don't know how to start telling you.
Because I know even I tell you, you won't believe me! Unless you see it for yourselves, it's really quite unbelievable. But I'm going to tell you anyway. That's the whole point of starting this post anyway.
Wtf. Did I just write so much but actually haven't started telling anything?
It all started 1 week ago.
1. My room air-cond has been dripping water. It started with individual drops like maybe 5 seconds in between drops from the front opening of the air-cond. Then after 4 or 5 days, it started to POUR. As in the water came out continuously from the opening as though it's a PIPE! I on it anyway and put a bucket below it. I informed my owner to fix it too.
2. 3 days ago, my room lights kept blinking. It blinks and blinks and blinks. Like the ghost movie, only without the ghost. Everytime the lights blink, my home PC restart by itself. It restarted by itself for ~10 times in 1 night.
3. 2 days ago in the morning, I tried to start my computer. BUT THERE'S NO RESPONSE. I changed plug. still no response. No matter what I do, there's no response. The PC has officially died. maybe due to the continuous restarting and the electric rush everytime the light blinks. I thought my home PC is the culprit that makes my lights blink and the electric shock. So i unplugged my home PC.
4. 2 days ago in the evening, I came home to find my car park card not working. The security guard informed me that they blocked my card because the owner did not pay the management fees.
5. 2 days ago at night, the lights kept blinking even with the UNPLUGGED home PC. so it's very obvious that home PC is not the culprit. Everytime it blinks, my router went down. And I have to restart the router to have connection. I also on the air-cond because the weather is terrible!
6. 2 days ago at midnight, I woke up because it's VERY HOT. I then realize the air-cond is switched off. I tried to turn it on with remote but nothing happens. My air-cond has officially died.
6. 1 day ago in the morning, I tried to get online with my laptop. No connection. I checked. My router died.
7. 1 day ago in the morning, I drove to work to realize my car tyre punctured in front of the traffic light in Sunshine Square.
8. 1 day ago in the afternoon, I realized my air-cond and router died because the power switch for both of these items have tripped off. I turned it on. Router and air-cond works again. After 1 minute, it tripped off. I didn't try turning it on afterwards.
9. 1 day ago in the evening, I went to service center to be told there're 2 nails in my tyre and they can't patch it because the tyre has CRACKED. They asked me to come back in the morning to change a brand new tyre.
10. This morning, I went to service center to be told my front tyre has worn out and have to be replaced too. I was also told my v-belt, timing belt, air-cond filter has broken and needs to be replaced. I was also told the whole service will cost me RM800.
11. This morning, I passed the car key to the service center lady. She missed it. The key dropped on the floor. My remote broken into pieces. They told me it takes RM9 to fix that.
12. THis afternoon, the service center manager called me to apologize. Her workers "accidentally" scratched my car and they have to respray it. I can only take the car 2 days after.
13. This evening, I went home to realize my house key is attached to my car key which is at the service center. I can't go in the house and have to wait for my housemate to get off work.
14. This evening, I took my spare key and handphone and walked opposite my apartment looking for electrician and anyone who can fix my electricity and air-cond. The shop owner called the electrician. After 15 missed calls, they told me to go home first and they will call me back.
15. This evening, I get out of the electric shop to find it raining heavily. I ran all the way across the street back to my apartment, DRENCHED. 10 minutes ago, it wasn't even dripping.
16. This evening, the electrician call me back. He is trapped in town and won't be able to make it tonight or tomorrow morning. Earliest is tomorrow afternoon.
At point #4 I was upset and frustrated and angry.
At point #10 I was fairly okay because the boy sent me a MMS of him eating nasi lemak with the msg "I wish you're here to share this with me. I love you."
At point #12 I was happy because the boy told me to think the other way round and how lucky I am to get a free spray.
At point #14 I am totally fine already and started to find my bad luck very funny.
At point #16 I am in a superbly good mood because the boy called me all the way from Vietnam with his hp (even though it is freaking expensive) to ask me how I'm doing and to tell me his business deal went well and he hoped he could give me some of his luck.
Every now and then, shit happens to me. I may just be the unluckiest girl you'd ever know. The last time the series of unfortunate events was 1 year ago that included 2 spoilt hard disks (millions of lost data and photo) and a spoilt ipod and 2374623465234 small unfortunate things.
I survived.
My friends say I might be a mutant. I just didn't know how to control my power now.
I learnt how to deal with every single shit that comes to me. I was angry and frustrated and take it out at the boy at first. But he still continued to take me through all the shit.
So baby, if you're reading this, I really really love you. I don't know what bad luck I would be in tomorrow but I don't care. BRING IT ON!
Maybe I’ll sleep at the station because there’s nothing to go home to but an empty fridge and some stale mayonnaise. And maybe I'll make friends with the guys sleeping under cardboard boxes and newspapers and we’ll discuss what it means to love and to live. And maybe I’ll wander the city, like one lost and lonely particle in a dust storm of Tuesdays, late nights and overdue homework. And maybe I’ll get on a plane or a ship and get lost in places I’ve never been lost in before. Or you know, maybe… just maybe, I’ll keep my phone on me in case you call. And tell me there’s something to come home to.
One suicide victim who committed suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge left behind a note saying: "I'm going to walk to the bridge. If ONE person smiles at me on the way, I will not jump."
Skytrex Extreme
On our 10th month anniversary, the boy and I went for Skytrek Extreme in Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya with the rest of his friends. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays Only BIG THRILL EXTREME CHALLENGE LITTLE ADVENTURE
Skytrex Adventure is at Malaysia's first agricultural park (built 1986) and quite possibly the world's largest at 1290 hectares. There're 3 types of Skytrek Challenge available -
Duration: 1.5hr - 2hrs
Booking Time slots: 0830 - 1000 - 1130 - 1300 - 1430
Requirements: At least 1.4 meters. Maximum weight 100kg.
There are 23 challenges with names like 'Bermuda Triangle', 'Happy Hopper', 'Wobble Trouble' and 'Wild Revenge' which you may find humourous, that is, until you stand before them. I kid you not, the trail will sure to serve you that fear factor
Duration: 30-40mins
Booking Time slots: 0830 (9am - 11am), 1030 (11am-1pm) and 1230 (1pm - 3pm). Half an hour allocated for 'gearing up'. Participants have unlimited rounds within 2 hours
Requirements: At least 1.1 meters. Maximum weight 100kg. Participants age below 18 years require indemnity forms signed by a parent/guardian. Children below 12 years will require parent/guardian present and have the indemnity forms completed for them.
Duration: minimum 2 hours
Booking Time slots: 0900 - 1030 - 1200 - 1330 - 1500
Requirements: 16years above. Physically fit with good upper body strength. At least 1.5 meters. Maximum weight 100kg. * If you have never tried Skytrex, we suggest you take up the Big Thrill. Are you mad enough to do 21 EXTREME challenges? There's not much else we can say.
Of course, we chose the extreme challenge. However, most people I know would go for the Big Thrill first before the Extreme to get the feel. But we're all pro mah no need for testing first ehem wtf.
WARNING: The whole posts are my photos. one and only wtf because I forced the boy to chain the camera to his neck and go before me. So that when I do my challenge he's already done with his and can take my photo from front! huhuhuhhuhuhu I know I am self centered but what to do.
#1 5 of us are late! The boy practically drove like 140 from PJ to Shah Alam and then we RAN all the way in. There's a ticket counter at the front for us to buy the bus ticket that will transport us from the entrance into the park. I was also running hence the blur photo huhuhuhuh
#2 The "bus". Just some lousy truck with a cover and I think 25 people can go on it.
#3 It takes less than 10 minutes from the entrance into the park.
#4 Finally! As you can see, there're wires and stations everywhere for people to climb around and a picnic area right at the middle there.
#5 The kids doing their challenge!
#6 Where the fun in the forest never ends!
#7 This is the Big Thrill adventure first challenge. As you can see, there's a station on top of the tree. So for every challenge, there's a station and it can only hold MAXIMUM OF 4 PEOPLE. Best if you can keep it at max 3 to be safe.
#8 The place at the far left is for people to make their payment for gloves and locker. I can't remember how much it is but I think it's less than RM5 for each. Don't bother bringing the handphone around because there's ZERO signal in the park. If you have a glove, you can bring your own but MAKE SURE THE SURFACE IS LEATHER NOT COTTON. Else you can hold on to the wires and won't be able to balance yourself well. I bought the new glove there which I threw away after one use. THere're also people who bought but did not throw their gloves away, so you can choose to take people's OLD GLOVES for free. BUT YOU REALLY WANNA DO THAT? IT'S SO SWEATY AND GROSS AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO USED THAT BEFORE! Tsk..but the boy took the old gloves haha. He didn't mind.
#9 This place is called SkyDeck. You will take your climbing harness and there'll be a person there that will help you gear up.
#10 Before you start your adventure, there'll be a minor training session where the instructor will teach you how to handle your harness because in every station, there'll be NO INSTRUCTOR there to help you. You have to hook on to the wires yourself carefully and if you forgot, sorry you can fall 10 stories down because there's no net below you also. Ehem yah I know what you think, totally no safety net and no instructor to help you wire up. But you're adult man c'mon you can handle that.
#11 This is the training ladder huhuhuhuh. So low.
#12 Hou Tat and Sherry at the first challenge. We have to wait almost an hour to start our 1st challenge because we booked the 3pm slot and even though it's already 3+ but then the 1.30pm slot people haven't even start their 1st challenge!
#13 All of us ~20 people. We finally get to start at 4 something almost 5. THe 1st challenge is to climb the ladder which is almost 3 stories high.
#14 After the climb, it's Flying Fox from 1 tree to the next. You don't see 3 stories like that very easy. But it's the 1st challenge and you're not mentally/physically prepared so it turns out to be REALLY TIRING. I climbed like halfway and my arms start to hurt and I wanted to give up and cry because I have altophobia and it's quite high up. By the time I finished climbing, the boy (who's in front of me) has already flew over to the next tree so I'm ALONE at the station platform and Sherry who's behind me is still climbing the ladders. So I WAS SO SCARED LAH NOBODY SUPPPORT ME AND IT'S SO HIGH HUHUHUHUHUHU I WANNA CRY COZ MY KNEES ARE WEAK AND I WASN'T SURE WHETHER MY WIRES ARE HOOKED CORRECTLY. What if I jumped out and I forgot to hook one of my wires and I fell straight to the ground. I finally did after what seems like 93746 hours and an EXTREMELY LOUD SIGH.
#15 After the flying fox, we have to climb another 3 stories of ladder. The purpose of the first 3 or 4 challenge is just to bring you higher and higher and higher before you start your proper first challenge. The highest platform you will reach is 22 metres off the ground.
#16 Fuh a bit penat. But then my body started to tune back and I can feel myself getting used to the climbs and flying fox and climbs and flying fox.
#17 I think this is 1st challenge. It's not extremely scary even though you're actually 22 metres above ground because below you there's ALOT OF TREES and you can hardly see ground right. Well so you're supposed to step through the round thing all the way to the end WITHOUT holding the wire on top of you. You will hook one of your harness to the wire on top so that when you can't balance, you won't fall flat but will tergantung in the air.
#18 Cheat one la me. Obviously you can see my hand holding the wire on top huhuhuhuh if not I can't balance because if you fall, then someone will reach to your rescue but you won't be able to play the challenge again. They will bring you straight to next station platform. WASTE MONEY LAH LIKE THAT. Else, if you really think you CAN'T do it and you're scared and will pee in your pants if they didn't bring you down, don't worry. There's a chicken lane for you to slide down the ground and skip the challenge. The lane is labelled as AYAM LANE there but not every challenge has the chicken lane. ONly maybe the more difficult ones.
#19 This one is quite fun though and most people take longer time at this. The string that holds the rubber is very long and thin so it sways very easily and when it sways, it hard for you to balance and jump on to next rubber. You may think it's very near in photos, but when you do it yourself, you'll know actually quite tough it is. I did it with no sweat though huhuhuhuhu guess I'm good at balancing can go gymnastics liao!
#20 Don't know his name =( Forgot liao. He's setting up his harness to hook on to the safety wire. As you can see you have to do all that by yourself so you must be very careful as to not tangle your wires or you'll get into deep shit!
#21 Fuh sweat like mad liao. But not tired. Can't feel tired YET. Coz you have to push yourself through a total of 22 challenges and all the challenges are continuous and you practically have NO TIME to stay and feel tired even because if you're slow, the person behind your back will be shouting at you to GO FASTER LAH!
#22 Err this photo is rotated don know why. You should tilt it 90 degrees anti clockwise. Then you can see Hou Tat doing the Monkey Bar. Monkey bar is very tiring. You have nothing to step on to. You can only use your arm strength and it's quite long too! All the girls didn't do this, instead we did the flying fox to the next station.
#23 Wah trying to juggle all the wires around me. Cheat one lah I was holding on to the wire on top but you actually cannot do that. If the instructor (who's hiding don know where) see you do that, they will SHOUT FROM FAR and ask you to LET GO!
#24 Chuan Yuan and don know who and don know who are at 2 stations behind us. By this time it's actually around 6 plus already and it's getting DARK so we had to use flash and you can't tell it's actually dark liao.
#25 Sweating like mad liao. And smile also super fake now /boo. Not tired but my arms start to hurt because I play cheat one lah. If you didn't play cheat, your arms should be fine.
#26 It's V shaped strings. This I think is the easiest. But as you can see, there's more ladder climbing at the end of this challenge! Don't the climbings ever end!!!!
#27 This also quite easy. I think if you're not too fat you should be fine huhuhuhuh really one lah if fat means dimension bigger than harder to balance. I think.
#26 This also another variety of the previous 2 challenges. Also step on 1 string and walk over. Quite dark liao can you see!
#27 Hello Love! I don't think he's looking at the camera hmph and I can tell he's pretty darn tired liao. Take photo also entertain me only huhuhuhuhuh kesian.
#28 Without flash. See, so dark liao you get what I mean. Hou Tat and Sherry behind us. 1 station behind.
#29 All the photos starting now will be extremely blur. First coz it's dark already. 2nd also becoz my poor baby is tired liao! Imagine he has to do the challenge to the next station platform. Then fast fast hook on his wires. Then whip out my camera to prepare take my photo. Haha love you baby! But a bit beh lah all the photos actually reveal my cheating liao lah see my hand tsk. I should PS it out!
#30 Starting to get really grumpy because I start to sweat and I hate hate sweating!
#31 But the boy is very good at cheering me up.
#32 This is the duck walk! You can only step on the wires so when you step 1 feet down on the left, the whole wires will drop to the left and you have to fast fast step on the right to balance the wire back. Hence the duck walk.
#34 This one you see very easy right. Walk on papan only what so tough. BUT ACTUALLY THIS IS TOUGHER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. When the boy is doing it I summore say FASTER LAH BABY SO EASY ALSO SO SLOW.
#35 But turns out quite tough you know why. Coz when you walk, the wood plank keep moving to front and sway to the front you get what I mean. Aiya pokoknya it's not as easy as it may seem to be lah! So I also took quite long haha.
#36 DARK LIAO and the park rangers came to RESCUE us haha coz it's too dark and I can't see anything at all so how to do challenge that has to depend on eye sight summore! What if I step off the plank and fall tsk. And you can't imagine how dark it is. We're deep in the jungle and there's not even 1 tiny bit of light so if you hold up your hand in front of your eyes also you can't see it.
#37 So we had to do a flying fox pass the challenges (not much left. we missed maybe 2 last challenges only) and then take the AYAM lane to the ground. We then followed the ranger closely out of the jungle back to this shade where we make the payments for the glove and stuff. Sweating until crazy liao. It's almost 8.30pm when we got out of jungle. Quite exciting lah what a different ending to what it's supposed to be! Nice what! Even though we missed last 2 challenges but it's fine. We've already been through 20 challenges. Enough liao la.
I think it's actually quite fun and I would probably go back again if someone invites. Don't worry about boredom and repetitive challenges because every few months, the adventure owners will change and tweak the challenges so that people would keep going back to try out.
It's not very expensive too!Operation TIme: 0830 to 1800
On weekdays, Skytrex will open with minimum 25 participants
Shuttle Bus will depart from Main Entrance 10minutes before each booking. Please be early and on time or you may lose your slot!
RM35 for Adults (12 years and above)
RM25 for Child
RM40 for Adults (12 years and above)
RM35 for Child
RM25 per pax (for all ages) Height and Weight Restrictions Apply. Children must be 1.1meter tall to go on their own. If shorter, a personal guide will be needed to assist child.
It's probably cheap because there's no one at each station to guard you and help you. So you're on your own that's why it's only RM40 for 22 challenges. Okay what right?
What a different anniversary the boy and I had! Rather than going for romantic dinners *yawn how boring right dress up nicely go makan what's great about that? NOLA I LIED. Actually both the boy and I forgot that day is our anniversary. When we realized, it's already 1 week after! huhuhuhuhuh.
Skytrek High Element,
Taman Pertanian Malaysia,
Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam,
40000 Shah Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia.
