Haih I've been sick for 2 weeks plus in between coughing and flu and fever. Fever attacks make me vomit sometimes after I eat. But now fever okay already but coughing is still really bad and my nose is blocked all the time.
Anyway, this morning I skipped work 2 hours and went for the Joey Yap Feng Shui talk. At first when the email was sent out about Joey Yap, I didn't put much interest because I don't know who he is. Then Hwa told me that a lot of people actually buy tickets to go listen to him talk. And since now we get FREE talk how can I miss it!
So here is Joey Yap. adoi click on the link lah.
The webcast will be sent out soon for people in my company but some of my friends are not so they asked me to post it here instead. SO here you go girls:
1st thing to do: BUY A COMPASS. Eh I heard compass in Bayan Lepas sold out today hohoho so kua zheong!!
There're 2 types of Feng Shui:
(a) Long term Feng Shui
(b) Short term Feng Shui - last only for 1 year.
He only talks about short term Feng Shui briefly today. If you want more information, then PAY MONEY LOH.
That's why it doesn't matter where your house is facing because that's long term feng shui. For short term feng shui, all you need to do is stand in the middle of your premis (inside your house), then check out the compass and find out N, S, SE, SW, NW, NE. Short term feng shui only tell you which sector of your house is good for what.
Overall your face is divided into 3 section.
(Section 1) - From hairline forehead to above eyebrow.
(Section 2) - From below eyebrow to below your nose.
(Section 3) - From below the nose to the chin.
If your
Section 1 is longer (as in longer compared to Section 2 or 3) - 2010 is not a fabulous year so you need to activate more of your prosperous house sector.
Section 2 is longer - 2010 is a fabulous year.
Section 3 is longer - The older you get the better things will become.
Double Chin - MUST KEEP! lol. It is a really good thing because it means you have a lot of good people around you supporting. You have wisdom so long term things will be better for you.
Small Nose with Wide Cheeks - Only can be 2nd wife. can be someone's mistress LOL I'm small nosed and have a wide cheek HOW!!! Does that also mean I will have a lot of money because mistress always get money lol!!!
High Forehead - High Ranking.
Your forehead is divided into 3 sections, the upper (closer to your hairline), middle and lower (closer to eyebrow).
If your upper forehead protrudes - Analytical.
If middle forehead protrudes - Good Memory. [normally girls have protruding mid forehead and guys don't have. esp my boy because he doesn't remember any shit!!!]
If lower forehead protrudes - Good Intuition
If the whole forehead protrudes - Slow thinker lol.
Upper lip thick - Sentimental. Dates are important to these people. (ex: anniversary, birthday, fav color blah blah blah you get what i mean)
Lower lip thick - These people waste no time and want to go to the bedroom rightaway lol.
2 sharp pointy upper lips - Very good at talking. Otherwise if your upper lip doesn't have the 2 pointy lips then it's better to talk less because the more u talk the worse u will make things to be.
Horsemouth (the kind that can see gum & protruding teeth) - These people talk without thinking and always offend people. These people need to avoid SE sector of the house. Less movement less use of the SE sector is good for them for 2010.
Okay now to the GOOD SECTORS OF YOUR HOUSE FOR 2010.
NW - Good. If your main door is there or you have a door at that sector, use that to come in the house. If there's no door and just a room or toilet or something, make use of that area and be at that area as frequent as you can! If is toilet then shit more and sit inside more. If study room, then put your laptop there and be there most of the time. BUT if it's store room, then bad news for you. It means your cash is tight this year.
W - Nobility Sector. It also means you will have GUAI YAN (cantonese), GUI REN (mandarin).
E - Represents Power/Status/Money. It is mainly about positioning of water element. Consider installing water which is constantly moving.
N - Relationship sector. To increase, you need to activate the N sector. Use water element as well. If you're doing business, then N is good for branding/marketing.
S - Star of separation. Starting anew. If you want to break up, activate the S sector lol. If you're in the S room a lot, it means you want to break out and start something new. BUT if you want your diet to work, then you need to activate S sector. Hmm..don't know I got listen wrong or not. So if I want my diet to work, I activate S sector but it will make me breakup with my boy then HOW!!! Crazy wan.
SE - If your main door/T junction/Open roof, then it means a lot of losses. GOt money loss money. Got wife loss wife. Got property loss property. If SE has water element externally (outside the house), then is a positive sector. Positive only for people with a lot of talking for example Sales.
NE - Illness sector. But governs property luck. If the sector is weaken by water, then old people are suitable to live in the house. Good to get rid of your mother in law =D
SW - DON'T DIG THE GROUND. THIS IS THE WORST SECTOR IN 2010. If you dig anything there it's really really really bad. If you stay in SW a lot then it's better to restructure and move to E sector. Solution is to activate the other positive sector as much as you can.
To have a kid:
Son: "exercise" more in the NW sector.
Daughter: "exercise" more in N sector.
TO start work in 2010:
Technically the 2010 starts on 4th of Feb NOT 1ST day of CNY.
The good day to start work is 3rd day @ 11.30am OR 6th day @ 6.30am/3.30pm.
Animal signs:
In classical feng shui, it does not only see the year you're born. You also need to know the Month Animal/Day Animal/Hour Animal. If you don't know, nemind. Log in to Joey Yap's Facebook or Website. There's a calculator you can use to find out. FREE WAN DON'T WORRY.
Rat & Tiger - Generally not a good year for you.
If your animal birth MONTH is Tiger - you have a lot of career challenges.
Money making year - Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat.
Animal Year - Affects your social circle. Means for example if 2010 social circle good for pig then if your animal year is pig, then you have a good social circle lor.
Animal Month - Affects career. Means tiger not good this year and if your MONTH is tiger then you have a lot of CAREER challenges. Get what i mean now? If you don't can ask me okay.
Animal Day - Good for spouse.
Animal Hour - Creation.
And where the BOSS should sit? Answer: NW sector of your premis. Hear that baby? You have to sit at the NW sector okay to make money!
THAT'S ALL. For more, you can go to his website and hire him!
This is MY wealth profile. You can go find out from his Facebook. Free wan you just need to be his fan.
Tomorrow I wanna go get a compass liao huhuhuhuhuh. This year I want GOOD FENG SHUI!!!
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