I am blogging from work..for the first time ehem. I slept for 7 hours yesterday night but felt like I didn't sleep at all. My dark eye circles have turned from bad to fugly fml and don't even get me started on the puffiness.
Oh the reason I didn't blog from work is because I can't. People walk around a lot here so it really wouldn't be nice to be caught blogging all the time. And also because office blocked all blogspots page. Well, not really block but there's a quote time of 60 minutes a day so thank god for google reader! Coz by using google reader I don't actually have to load up the blogs but still can read them anyway from the panel.
Hmmm I am thinking of what I can still say. Actually I really have a lot in mind but just couldn't find time to pen them down. You know, thoughts, feelings, hell lot of them. On what changed me. On what kind of person I've become now. On the bad and the ugly.
I'll go home tonight and upload some photos. This blog is honestly photo-deprived I must admit. Till then, stay safe!
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