Nowadays I don't get to blog from office because somehow everytime I tried to access blogger it says network FML so I have no choice but reactivate my twitter and actively updating it to keep myself sane wtf.
I LOL-ed to myself this afternoon reading this one written by Raja Petra on the latest news in The Star where apparently one of the Malaysian (is she Malaysian?) was appointed to be the ET point of contact if they (ET) ever start to make any communication wtf.
Full Article Here
Portion of it:
So Earth is a very hostile planet then. You fight wars for all sorts of reasons and you have hundreds of nations that are not at peace with each other and you have an organisation called the United Nations that was set up to prevent wars and all you do is talk about how to prevent wars but you still have wars and kill each other.
I was really entertained by the article heh. You really should go and read it.
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