

Hello World.


I changed blog again.

Wordpress is starting to get on my nerves because they don't freaking allow any customization. No own HTML no Javascripts and stuff. Duh I can't even attach Plurk or Twitter without all the limitations! Worst of all, I can't upload my own blog theme.

I need more freedom.

Even though Nick has been kind enough to borrow his domain for my own domain testing, but considering my current financial situation, paying for the domain hosting on a yearly basis just don't cut it. I can't even have fried egg with my favourite nasi lemak nowadays!

So bye bye wordpress hello blogspot!

But I can't export my old wordpress entries here so I guess I can't close down the wordpress. Anyone know how to do that?

For commenters now don't even need to input their email address. Just the name will do. No spam meh like that.

I still like my old wordpress look better. Maybe I'm just used to it. I need more time to get used to this new one. This new theme is grabbed from the same place that hosted Bear's blog. So many to choose from so I will update the theme every 2 months or so. Can't decide which to use and which suits me best.

Okay so update your bookmark links to this new URL Kthxbye.


Hi joan you commented on my blog

you said that you want to change the "comments (which is a picture)" at the end of the post and you also want to display the number of comments instead of this pic. I'll definitely look into that and send you an exclusively modified template to you... Thanks for using my template. TC


i am also using the same template as yours but i can't get people to comment when they click comments... any advice? Thanks!

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